Wild Ride traces the history of the biker movement, from its beginnings in the years following World War II -- when many American GIs found the transition back to civilian life too severe, and opted instead to exorcise their combat demons by forming riding clubs -- to its current (and to many crass) commercialization in the form of Harley Davidson Cafes. The trip from 1940s outlaw to 1990s Rich Urban Biker (RUB) is indeed a wild one, taking the reader through the popularization of outlaw bikers in films like Easy Rider, their symbolic death at Altamont and decline throughout the seventies, and the repackaging and marketing of their image in the eighties nnd nineties, a process personified by billionaire Malcolm Forbes astride bis iron horse. Reynolds interviews many of the leading figures associated with the outlaw movement, from the veterans who helped form the first biker clubs in the 1940s to movie stars anal wild riders like Peter Fonda, Robert Blake, and Ken Kesey.
Wild Ride is an enthralling story and in many ways the secret history of post-World War II America.