⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Paradise can’t contain a woman out for justice.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sophie Ang has escaped a dark past to right wrongs as a crime fighter, and she won’t let anything stand in her way.
The tale of Sophie’s development of a cutting-edge rogue computer program, DAVID, and her discovery of a cyber vigilante whom she may, or may not, be able to bring to justice.
An untouchable cult deep in the jungle has a leader who might be a stone-cold wife killer, and his children slave labor. Only Sophie can get them out and find their missing mothers—and along the way, solve the puzzle of The Ghost.
A buried royal Hawaiian island in Lahaina on Maui attracts mysterious burglary attempts, and gets deadly fast once Sophie’s on the case. As she solves a twisted murder with ties to the archaeological dig, she must also tangle with a nightmare from her past.
Grab the first three books of the Paradise Crime Series bundled for a twisty, intelligent thrill ride: "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo becomes female Jack Reacher...in Hawaii!"
“Very suspenseful! These books move along at a fast pace with many twists and turns. The main character is smart and a warrior.” ~James S, Goodreads