Munich, 1938: An American foreign correspondent gatecrashes the pre-war Munich Conference to protest against British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s surrender to Hitler – more than 70 years later it’s like the incident never happened – hushed up with the man disappeared, never to be seen again. Now his granddaughter demands to know the truth of what really happened.
Britain, 2015: Emma Drake, a history researcher at Cambridge, has aways been puzzled that her grandfather’s disappearance appears to be a closed book. The infamous Munich agreement was signed; Chamberlain returned home to be a short-lived hero for winning “peace in our time”; Hitler emerged unscathed to wage his war; and her grandfather vanished from the pages of history.
Feisty, thirsting for thrills and ambitious for success, Emma is chosen to reopen the missing grandfather mystery. She battles a series of enemies before the trail takes her in a wholly unexpected direction to a forest 50 miles west of Auschwitz to trace partisan action against Hitler’s Final solution.
Inspired by the work of Robert Harris, Robert Goddard and Philip Kerr,
Munich is a heart-stopping thriller that explores the minds of those involved in the infamous Munich Agreement. The book will appeal to fans of historical fiction and thrillers.