Edited by Michel Hersen, a recognized expert in the field, Clinical Behavior Therapy provides up-to-the-minute information on both traditional and current issues surrounding the treatment of child, adolescent, and adult disorders. Featuring an impressive list of contributors on the cutting edge of behavior therapy research, this valuable resource aids clinicians in achieving the most common goals in performing psychotherapy with adults and children, including describing the case succinctly, determining the best method to assess the client, dealing with complications during the course of treatment, ensuring continuation of therapeutic gains, and assessing overall treatment effectiveness.
Topics covered include:
Along with a description of each disorder and chief complaints, every chapter addresses behavioral assessment, medical consultation, the course of treatment, therapist/client factors, and recommendations on termination and follow-up. Also considered are the more contemporaneous issues, such as managed care, case conceptualization, and rationale for treatment choice. The text’s attention to the increased emphasis on accountability, assessment, clear conceptuali-zation, and treatment effectiveness makes Clinical Behavior Therapy a vital contribution to the field.