A legal affair
What would happen, do you think, to a lawyer who flouts the law to represent a client?
Newly arrived in Canberra, Australia's iconic bush capital, Elisabeth Sharman, senior legal officer, is thrown off-balance when the first case she's assigned is the defence of a 19-year-old youth accused of murder who is pleading amnesia.
How do you defend someone who can't defend himself? It's a problem Elisabeth goes way beyond the normal call of duty to find out.
But how do you distract your talented, very competent, and very attractive colleague so he doesn't stop you?
By appealing to his ego, of course.
Robert Murphy, Murph to his mates, admires Elisabeth's legal skills, and given she's gorgeous is more than willing to be seduced, but can't silence the questions reverberating in his head: Why is she doing this? Is she using me? Why am I letting her?
As they delve deeper into the murder victim's past, uncovering a love affair spanning decades of deceit and domestic abuse, Elisabeth's subterfuge binds Robert closer and closer until all he wants is her heart.
Does Elisabeth survive the trauma this case brings? Does Robert win or lose her? Neither question is answered until the very end.
A 126,000 word intrigue suspense legal thriller by Australian author Alana Woods, the Intrigue Queen of thriller fictio