Did you know nearly twenty percent of all college graduates, regardless of major, will start their careers in professional sales?
Now is an especially exciting and challenging time to study professional selling.
Personal Selling: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships uses a pragmatic, up-to-date, realistic, upbeat, and professional approach to the study of personal selling (specifically business to business). The text, written in a conversational style, creates diverse "real-world" experiences for students through experiential learning such as Internet exercises, role plays, case studies, and self-assessment tools.
To help the reader relate more realistically to a new career in the business-to-business sales field, the publication includes "On the Frontlines: The Life of a Salesperson" vignettes. These features throughout the publication follow the "real-world" personal selling experiences of a recent college graduate.
Personal Selling: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships: