BOOK THREE of the Plague Wars series.
"...this time Skull is presented in a more humane way and he is able to make "friends," meaning he does not kill everybody he meets lol..." - Niover H.
"Been reading all night long. Can't put it down." - Lenoirdenantes
"EDEN'S EXODUS is a really well-structured story, with lots of subtle machinations on every level from interpersonal to international relationships. VanDyke and King make a great storytelling team." - Marcia K.
The Eden virus is spreading. Blessing or curse, it's apparent that it can't be contained. For the poor and the sick, the Plague is a godsend, yet it puts those infected in the cross hairs of people who fear their power is slipping away. When these desperate Edens turn to Daniel Markis and the Free Communities for help, he can't refuse. Spooky, Skull, and Reaper are soon struggling to save these Edens - but someone on the inside may betray them.
Eden's Exodus is a Plague Wars novel that continues where Skull's Shadows ended, filling in more of the apocalyptic events of the decade before the incidents of The Demon Plagues, when the world changed yet again.
The Plague Wars Series
Plague Wars: Decade One
- The Eden Plague
- Reaper's Run
- Skull's Shadows
- Eden's Exodus
- Apocalypse Austin
- Nearest Night
Plague Wars: Alien Invasion
- The Demon Plagues
- The Reaper Plague
- The Orion Plague
- Cyborg Strike
- Comes the Destroyer
- Forge and Steel
Plague Wars: Stellar Conquest
- First Conquest
- Desolator: Conquest
- Tactics of Conquest
- Conquest of Earth
- Conquest and Empire
Keywords: Military Thrillers fiction, Alien invasion of Earth, Genetic Engineering fiction genes, First Contact war, military science fiction, mystery thriller & suspense action fiction, technothriller techno thriller, genocide, Africa, rescue mission, military science fiction series, thriller series, battle, internment