This is a textbook with a story to tell. Discussing development from the colonial era to the present in Latin America, Asia and Africa, authors Cypher and Dietz encompass a blend of classical development ideas and current theory, helping students gain a balanced picture not currently available in other textbooks.
Adopting a truly global approach throughout, the focus in this second edition is on income distribution, poverty, and social issues. Excellent pedagogy including plentiful diagrams, boxes, user-friendly summaries and end of chapter questions help readers understand often complex topics. Integral to the book is a close examination of recent events and broad-ranging discussions of key issues including:
Building upon the impressive and popular first edition, Cypher and Dietz have pulled off that rarity in textbook publishing: a book which will leave students with a framework of understanding which will empower them to go on to understand a broad range of 'North-South' issues and controversies.