The Real World: 1861-1968
By: Thomas C. Schleck
• This book is excellent for book reports, and supplementary reading in history courses. Students should love it.
• Should Timothy J. Sheehan have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor three times between 1862-1899 for his actions at Ridgley, Nashville, and Sugar Point? You decide. Did Sheehan save the U.S. from defeat in 1862?
• What about the 50,000 troops who died outside of Vietnam during the Vietnam era, and the 5,000,000 who never went to Vietnam?
• How did the post-war treatment of the “losers” after the U.S. Civil War set a bright light that contrasts sharply on how the gallant South Vietnamese were treated in their country after the Vietnam war?
• Seven obscure U.S. military veterans and one forgotten hero all born or buried in St. Paul, Minnesota trace U.S. wars from 1861 to the 1970’s.
• If all school kids know of the midnight ride of Paul Revere should they also know of the midnight march of Tim J. Sheehan?