Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs

By Edward A. Polloway, James R. Patton, Loretta Serna, Jenevie W. Bailey

Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs
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A classic in the field, the tenth edition of Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs offers the most comprehensive look at how to teach students with mild/high incidence disabilities. Balancing elementary and secondary teaching strategies, the text introduces critical areas of concern for special educators, includes a new chapter on curriculum development and launches into strategies for teaching students specific content areas.

This edition includes separate chapters on science and social studies, updated chapters on reading and written language, and an expanded focus on transitions and functional academics. Throughout each chapter, culturally responsive practices are highlighted, technology rich solutions are explored, and formal assessment instruments are summarized so readers learn how to help students with special needs succeed in inclusive educational environments.

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