Did you know that an ostrich egg can make an omelet for ten people? How about that crocodiles have the world’s most powerful bite, yet their mouths can be held shut by a man’s bare hands? Or that box jellyfish are the most venomous creature in the world, and they’re almost impossible to see?
Wild animals do the most extraordinary, and sometimes frightening, things. Some are exceptionally bright, using tools and even treating themselves with medicinal plants. Others are devious, using chemical warfare and theft to get what they want. Then there are slackers, like the sloth, which only moves up to 125 feet a day, and the overachievers like the Arctic tern, which migrates over forty-four thousand miles every year! Discover:
- The squid with eyes as big as dinner plates
- The termite assassin bug
- The largest rodent you hope to never find in your cupboard
- And the frog with self-cleaning feet!
If you’ve ever wanted to know why a zebra has stripes, or which animal is the most dangerous, has the loudest voice, boasts the longest tongue, or is the most mysterious,
The Frog with Self-Cleaning Feet is here to reveal the curiosities of nature. Packed full of entertaining surprises and unusual information, you may not believe your tiny, human-sized eyes.