Wake Up

By Jeff Finley

Wake Up
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Waking up early was the most life-changing habit I ever did. In just a few weeks I was waking up 2 hours early every day and feeling more productive and happier than ever. This book will show you how I did it. But first, Does this sound like you?
  • Are you dissatisfied with your life?
  • Are you overwhelmed with obligations to everyone else but you?
  • Do you want more time to yourself?
  • Are you confused about your purpose?
  • Are you worried about the future?
  • Do you feel unhappy at work?
  • Are you seeking peace and quiet?
  • Are you feeling depressed and powerless in your life?
  • Do you feel like life is passing you by?
That's how I felt. Trust me, I've tried and failed many times! I was addicted to the snooze button and lost momentum when I slept in on the weekends. I couldn't keep the habit and went on Amazon looking for morning routine books. Sound familiar? I was able to string together days, weeks, and months of waking up early every day. I started feeling more alive, more enthusiastic, and more in control of my life. After a few months I felt like I had woken up to a deeper part of my self. My true self. I call this my awakening. There are lots of books out there about waking up early and habit change. What you get with Wake Up is a personal story of how someone just like you put all the advice into practice and saw massive change in his life. It's real, it's honest, it's inspirational. I WOULD LOVE TO WAKE UP EARLY BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE... Let me stop you there, friend. I know what you're going to say. You don't have time, right? You are already get too little sleep and there is NO WAY you could possibly wake up early. Maybe you have kids or family obligations that make it difficult to carve out time for yourself. All I can say is I hear you loud and clear. But this isn't the only excuse I've heard. Do any of these EXCUSES sound familiar?
  • Not enough time
  • I'm not a morning person
  • Lack of self-discipline
  • I keep hitting snooze
  • I'm too tired in the morning
  • My family makes it difficult
  • I can't keep the habit consistent
Fortunately, I help you with all these excuses and more in Wake Up. After reading the book, you will have no excuses left! Now's the time to take action my friend! READ WAKE UP AND YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO:
  • BECOME AN EARLY RISER Develop the habit of waking up early every day. Build a perfect morning routine. Imagine what you could do with an extra hour each morning!
  • FIND YOUR PURPOSE We each have a purpose for being on this planet. Learn how to follow your joy and curiosity, then find the courage to show it to the world.
  • BECOME A HABIT MASTER Most of our actions are habitual. Change your habits, change your life! Create the perfect morning routine to do amazing habits every day, consistently!
  • OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION Procrastination is a symptom of a deeper problem. Sometimes we just can't keep a good habit going or we just can't get started. Learn why.
  • GAIN CLARITY AND INNER PEACE Create a sacred morning ritual that embraces quiet solitude and deep thinking. Start your day in touch with your inner self and genuine desires.
  • OVERCOME DEPRESSION Depression is a symptom of a stifled soul that cannot express it's true gifts. Put the power of your life back into your hands and create the life you desire.
What would your life be like if you could wake up early every day? Read "Wake Up" and find out. Your true self awaits.

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