The presented book JPSC General Studies Preliminary Examination-2024: Paper-I & Paper-II thoroughly written on the basis of latest syllabus. The book is divided into two main parts: Paper-I General Studies-I and Paper-II General Studies-II. In part-I of the book subjects comprise as History of India, Geography of India, Indian Polity & Governance, Economic & Sustainable development, Science & Technology, National & International Current Events and General Questions of Miscellaneous Nature.
In part-II the book deals with all about Jharkhand as History of Jharkhand, Jharkhand Movement, Unique Identity of Jharkhand, Folk Culture, Dance, Music, Instruments, Tourist Places, Jharkhand Literature and Litterateur, Major Educational Institute, Sports, Land Related Law, History of Economic Development, Major Schemes, Forest management, Wild life, Conservation work, Environment, Adaptation, Disaster Management, Miscellaneous Fact along with Current Event, etc.
The book has taken into consideration the most of the core topics of aspirants. The book is extremely useful for the candidates preparing competitive exams and wishing to achieve the goal with high dreams.