The Death Series, Books 4-6

By Tamara Rose Blodgett

The Death Series, Books 4-6
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"1984" meets Hunger Games!

From New York Times  and #1 Dark Fantasy bestseller Tamara Rose Blodgett. Hard sci-fi meets dark paranormal romance, in a chilling collection of humans who possess extraordinary powers, and the government's covert efforts of exploitation and control. Over a thousand pages of Death!

 " ... the characters from the first six books remain... with new characters... a fresh storyline as engrossing as the last ..."

"I have never laughed as much reading a book as I do reading the books in this series ..."

" ... The world that Tamara [Rose Blodgett] has built is deep and immersive..."



Caleb's second year of high school starts off without a hitch until Jade touches the wrong clairvoyance sample that foretells a murder in her future. Will she remain safe even while assisting police officers Garcia and Gale in a race to prevent a cataclysmic death?

Sophie and Jonesy aren't seeing things eye to eye, but when her safety is threatened by an attacker targeting Astral-Projection girls, they put their differences aside. The FDA approved depressant has begun to be administered to the teens for suppression of paranormal abilities during sleep for safety reasons. Or so they've been told.

Carson and Brett have escalated the violence that they perpetrate and leave Caleb no choice but to reciprocate. After saving the newest member of their group from certain abuse, Caleb knows the bull's-eye is dead center on him. Again.

Does Caleb use the undead as a weapon of defense while his group hangs in the balance of imminent peril?


Caleb faces possible jail time for using Clyde as a undeadly weapon. When he's exonerated with probation lasting a year, Caleb has to watch his every action. Tensions run high when after the death of Jade's only relatives, she must live with an undesirable foster family who are anything but what they seem. Life gets complicated for everyone when the scientists responsible for the paranormal manifestation threaten a parellel world to Caleb's own.

In a bid to stop the destruction of their world, while saving his own, Caleb must defend two peoples against the long arm of the Graysheets. Time begins to run against him when he discovers through an unlikely source that his friends have been given a drug that causes progressive insanity.

Can he find the antidote in time to save them? To save Jade?


The Graysheets remain ominously quiet during the teen's senior year. When tragedy strikes Tiff, her confidence shatters into a million pieces and the group doesn't know how to pick up the scattered mess of her emotional health.

As the control of the Zondorae scientists slips away, they make a final move to swing the balance in their favor, negotiating a future for the paranormals that is so final, a covert group moves to halt the momentum of their control over humanity with Jeffrey Parker as the catalyst.

In a final bid to protect everyone, Caleb discovers he was at the center from the beginning, an unwilling pawn moved on a chess board that no longer exists. Will he have a future of safety and happiness for himself and Jade?

Or will the decisions made before the fateful day of inoculation remain to hinder that forever?

Mega-length compilation/1000+ pages. New Adult Fiction, 17+

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