1.Accounting : Meaning and Scope, 2 .Accounting Principles : Concepts and Conventions, 3 Accounting Standards, 4 .Accounting Standards, 5. Recording of Transactions : Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance, 6. Rectification of Errors, 7 .Sub-Division of Journal : Subsidiary Books [(i) Cash Book,(ii) Other Subsidiary Books}, 8. Final Accounts with Adjustments, 9. Depreciation, 10 .Issues Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares, 11. Issue and Redemption of Preference Shares , 12. Issue of Debentures , 13. Redemption of Debentures, 14. Hire Purchase System , 15. Instalment Payment System, 16. Accounting of Non-Trading Organisations/Institutions, 17. Partnership Accounts-Basic Concepts and Final Accounts, 18. Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, 19. Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements, 20. Ratio Analysis.