The world economy is now approaching the final death rattle of the greatest Ponzi scheme in history: a scheme in which politicians stood by as the financial industry and sovereign governments created a vast overhang of debt, a mountain of low-quality assets - and laid the foundations for an economic disaster which will dwarf any other in history.
There are four possible outcomes for our future:
* economic growth (unlikely)
* stagnation (probable)
* inflation (bad)
* default (disastrous)
Which of the four will depend on choices made right now, only sometimes wisely, by politicians, technocrats, and bankers.
Planet Ponzi provides an insider's assessment of issues facing the global economy. Mitch Feierstein reveals the true debts of the US government and the eurozone - the full picture, not the figures the politicians would have us believe.
*Planet Ponzi is more relevant today than when it was written.