Preface vii Part One An introduction to the strategic process 1 (42) Introduction 3 (4) Strategy and strategic objectives for travel and tourism organizations 7 (20) Introduction to strategy for travel and tourism 27 (16) Part Two Internal analysis 43 (108) Introduction 45 (2) The travel and tourism organization -- competences, resources and competitive advantage 47 (23) The travel and tourism organization -- the human context 70 (20) The travel and tourism organization -- financial analysis and performance indicators 90 (29) The travel and tourism organization -- products and markets 119 (32) Part Three External analysis 151 (52) Introduction 153 (2) The external environment for travel and tourism organizations -- the macro context 155 (15) The external environment for travel and tourism organizations -- the micro context 170 (26) SWOT analysis 196 (7) Part Four Strategic choices 203 (80) Introduction 205 (4) Competitive strategy and strategic direction for travel and tourism organizations 209 (32) Strategic methods of development for travel and tourism 241 (26) Strategic evaluation and selection 267 (16) Part Five Strategic implementation 283 (48) Introduction 285 (2) Strategic implementation for travel and tourism organizations 287 (15) International and global strategies for travel and tourism organizations 302 (18) Strategic management -- present and future trends 320 (11) Part Six Case analysis in strategic management 331 (60) Introduction 333 (58) Strategic alliances in the airline industry 337 (10) Nigel Evans Holidaybreak plc: adapting for success 347 (11) Nigel Evans Leicester Promotions: destination management for maximizing tourist potential 358 (4) Amanda Miller MyTravel plc (formerly Airtours): competing in the travel industry big league 362 (13) Nigel Evans Competitive strategy at Ryanair 375 (3) Nigel Evans David Campbell The UK outbound tour operations industry 378 (13) Nigel Evans Glossary 391 (10) Index 401.