PERIL PRESS presents:
Speed Detective, August 1946
by Robert Leslie Bellem
Dan Turner got himself "engaged" to a girl he didn't even know, in order to keep two jealous hambos from knifing each other—and the tough shamus—reward for this bit of chivalry was to wake up finding a murder rap pinned on himself and the frame-up mounting in fury!
5200 Words
Hollywood Detective, December 1945
by Robert Leslie Bellem
There was a butler who looked like Frankenstein, but wasn't; there were a couple of old maids who wore funny-smelling perfume and had odd dispositions; there was an assortment of other odd characters. And most of all there was a comely corpse who was present and a set of valuable ruby rocks that were missing—and before Dan Turner reached the peak with this mob, he was missing part of his health!
Chapter 2 Double-Cross Daniel
Chapter 3 Lavender Lowdown
8000 Words
Hollywood Detective, January 1944
by Robert Leslie Bellem
They were making a cowboy picture, and of course the Indians' arrows had all been blunted. Nevertheless it was an arrow with sharpened tip that came out of the welter of battle to kill the lovely star!
5000 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, March 1943
by Robert Leslie Bellem
Donaldson's crack had been meant as a joke, but the girl who overheard it wasn't in a joking mood. After that, it didn't matter what Dan Turner said. To her he was a Russian wife-deserter, and a bad actor.
6400 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, December 1942
by Robert Leslie Bellem
Nothing can be so mixed up as a couple of scrambled Hollywood marriages—with everybody wanting to kill everybody else. Dan is on hand to prevent things going quite that far . . .
5600 Words
Spicy Detective, September 1934
by Robert Leslie Bellem
Follow Dan Turner, Hollywood's two-fisted detective, through a murderous tangle of love and intrigue among the film stars
4900 Words
Hollywood Detective, December 1945
Dan Turner Hollywood Detective
by Robert Leslie Bellem
This movie ham named McBride acted the death scene very realistically—mostly because some sly sinister stinker had put a real bullet completely through his think-tank. And as foul luck would have it, Dan Turner was on the scene and having it demonstrated that the trigger-finger was quicker than his hawkshaw eye. From then on, Dan was busier than a confused dog in a flea circus . . . .
Chapter 2 Long-gone Bullet
Chapter 3 Suspects Supreme
Chapter 4 No Modest Mayhem
Chapter 5 Brawl for a Book
9600 Words
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective, May 1943
by Robert Leslie Bellem
"I think my wife is being blackmailed," the guy opened up. And Dan agreed to protect the dame while she kept her secret tryst. It wasn't until after she'd kept her clandestine appointment that he had a real idea of how big a job he'd taken upon himself
5200 Words
This edition includes all 20 sexy illustrations to these stories, plus the pulp covers for all 8 stories.