Roughly 80% of
the world’s population now lives in urban areas. Cities offer anonymity to
violent criminals as well as to those who value privacy. New digital
technologies allow purveyors of hatred and assorted smut to enter our homes and
pedophiles use the Internet to bait our children and victimize them. This book
is designed to provide you with a tested methodology for being secure in the
concrete jungle without slipping into paranoia or denial. You don’t have to be
a just another crime statistic!
About the Author
Wygand has provided seminars on personal security to companies, diplomats,
government security personnel, schools, families and individuals for the past
18 years. He has been involved in the negotiation of several kidnaps and has
written numerous articles and monographs on the issue of personal security. His
method for avoiding violent crime is based on the same techniques employed by
law enforcement, CIA, FBI, diplomatic and military personnel, to recognize and
deal with possible danger. He has a strong personal reason for writing this
book and he wants YOU and YOUR FAMILY to be safe. Jim Wygand is also the author
of a novel entitled The Story of Charlie
Mullins: The Man in the Middle.