Sixth graders Robert and Melissa love hating each other--
"You've been cruel to me all day, Robert," Melissa stormed at him. "I haven't done anything to deserve it!"
"But, you're so much fun to tease! I can't help it!"
Melissa shoved him. "I hate you!"
Robert fell backward. The tunnel wall was made of old, rotted timbers. It gave way. Robert struggled not to fall by grabbing the wall. Large chunks of wood came away in his hands.
Robert turned wide, surprised eyes on the wood. When he looked up, Melissa's shocked eyes met his in the dim light. She touched what he held.
"What?" She exclaimed. "How?"
They heard a rumbling and felt the ground start to shake.
Robert frantically threw the pieces of wood away.
Melissa screamed. He pulled her against him as dirt and wood pelted them. A three-foot long chunk of timber just missed hitting her as she fell against him. Mud and water splashed them, turning both an unrecognizable drab brown almost instantly.
"No! No!" Melissa screamed. "I don't want to die!" She clutched at him. "Help me, Robert!"
Robert held her close as the mud piled around them.
In seconds, darkness and silence came.