Q: People are confused as to why so many religions and do not know which one can really get them into Heaven and what is the true God doing about it?
A: God gave us the Bible as He can see the future. Bible mentioned to let's reason together which is basically to present EVIDENCE that can STAND in court.
This is a book on journey into faith and connecting dots from different sources as in Bible to exploring the truth claim of religion to believe and be saved like "salvation can be found only in Catholic Church" to changing its tune later to "all are praying to the same God" with its interfaith movement and that Protestants are separated brothers in Christ in ecumenical movement by Catholic Church who perceived itself as the mother church which is a prelude to the upcoming one world religion from among the LONG LIST of End Times Bible prophecies (unbroken track record with 100% hit rate) SHOWN in book. However Protestant Reformation was simply a MOVEMENT wherein Martin Luther announced to the world that Catholic Church DEVIATED from Bible, though the world later LABELED it as a religion that came AFTER Catholic Church (CC) which many think that with 1 billion plus Catholics, how can CC not be true? Not knowing Bible mentioned that wide is the gate to Hell and narrow to Heaven. Anyway, COMPARISON shouldn't be between Protestantism vs Catholicism, but should be Bible vs Catholicism (with deviation from Bible as main issue; with setup of Jesuit as covert operation in destroying reformers, but with limited success due to timely availability of printing press in translating Bible into the local vernacular like German and English, and so Jesuit switched strategy to join in making their own modern Bible by corrupting/changing the Bible including manuscripts, against Bible's COPYRIGHT restriction. Weren't Jesuits thrown out of European countries?) with SHOCKING REVELATION on the ORIGIN of CC as a CHURCH in Rome during King Constantine's time that LATER became apostate (what HAPPENED that CAUSED the deviation?) and TRANSITIONED into Catholic Church (OPEN secret as scholars and others knew already) thereby demystifying CC as directly from Jesus as founder and with Apostles as Catholics (similar to Islam's claim that Jesus, Moses and others are Muslim when Islam came 600 years after Christianity; likewise academia is knowledgeable on Islam). MILLION dollar QUESTION: the first 50 Bibles ordered by King Constantine from the church in Rome or CC? Q: Did the Apostles tell believers to DISREGARD all other churches except CC? A: No, because CC came late into existence. Bible mentioned Jesus as head of the church and believers as His body, so CC claiming as the true church of God seems to be competing with other churches for DOMINANCE. WHY? WHAT'S the OVERRIDING reason with aggressively overzealous stance caught in history by getting rid of others like those who read the Bible, spread the Gospel or made Bible translations? Is it rightly so, when all believers are His body? Would your left hand beat up your right hand? ONLY God through the BIBLE has the FINAL SAY on man's claim of WHO'S the true church of God. How SO?