Supervision That Improves Teaching and Learning

By Susan Sullivan, Jeffrey Glanz

Supervision That Improves Teaching and Learning
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In this exciting, new edition of Supervision That Improves Teaching, the authors have taken their reflective clinical supervision process to a new level and focused on the demands that diversity and technology have placed on the supervision cycle. The authors recognize that if supervision of instruction is to be successful, we must address these needs. Therefore, they have built this third edition around the context of diversity within a technological environment. Our new scenarios describe teaching and learning dilemmas for English Language Learners. An additional case study also highlights English Language Learners within the context of "Critical Friends" groups and new observation tools center on the diversity of our schools. Finally, suggestions abound for use of the book within a technological environment - from blogs and wikis to strategies for teaching a hybrid or completely online course.

Sullivan and Glanz have also addressed the dilemmas of preserving meaningful supervision in an era of high-stakes testing and local, state, and national standards. The authors′ reflective clinical supervision model encourages and prepares educators to be thoughtful collaborators in improving classroom instruction. And they have extended the options for teacher observation to a thorough but manageable set of tools for standards-based supervision.

Outstanding additions to the third edition include:

- New scenarios, cases and tools focus on the need for differentiated instruction for diverse and exceptional populations in the schools

- Use of this book to evaluate the technological environment in schools in areas such as distance learning, online training, blogging and research

- The authors draw a clearer distinction between evaluation and supervision in this 3rd edition

- The timeline for the Supervision cycle in Chapter 1 has been updated and revised

- Observation Instruments in Chapter 3 have been revised to be more reader and user friendly

- Strategies and observation tools for maintaining reflective supervision in a standards-based environment

This bestselling approach continues to offer interpersonal tools for initiating and providing feedback on classroom observations, alternative approaches to common supervision practices, and the tools necessary for present and future educational leaders to develop dynamic conversations about learning between and among educators-the essence of what effective supervision is really about.

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