Database Programming Languages

By Giorgia Ghelli

Database Programming Languages
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The papers in this volume represent the technical program of the 8th Biennial Workshop on Data Bases and Programming Languages (DBPL 2001), that was held during September 8-10, 2001, in Frascati, located on the beautiful hills surrounding Rome, in an area favored by the ancient Roman patricians who built their summer residences there. DBPL 2001 continued the tradition of - cellence initiated by its predecessors in Rosco?, Finist` ere (1987), Salishan, O- gon (1989), Nafplion, Argolida (1991), Manhattan, New York (1993), Gubbio, Umbria (1995), Estes Park, Colorado (1997), and Kinloch Rannoch, Scotland (1999). Databases grew out of a separation between physical and logical data, thus enabling high-level query languages. Database query languages have evolved in expressive power and structural capabilities. Programming languages have seen a development from assembly languages to high-level declarative paradigms. Thus the two areas approach each other as they mature. Earlier successful cro- fertilizationsbetweenthe?eldsincludethecombinationofrelationaltheory, type theory and object-oriented languages, resulting in object-oriented databases, object-relational databases and persistent programming languages. The com- nation of database logic programming and constraint programming p- duceddeductiveandconstraintdatabases.Recently, withtheemergenceofse- structured data models, there is a renewed synergy between databases and p- gramminglanguages, inparticularinthedesignoflanguagestomanipulateXML data. The DBPL 2001 Program Co-Chairs were Giorgio Ghelli (Pisa) and G] osta Grahne(Montr ́ eal).TheProgramCommitteeMemberswereCatrielBeeri(Je- salem), DiegoCalvanese(Rome), RichardConnor(Glasgow), AlonHalevy(Se- tle), Leonid Libkin (Toronto), Gianni Mecca (Potenza), Frank Neven (Limburg), Benjamin Pierce (Philadelphia), Chris Ramming (Menlo Park), J ́ er^ ome Sim ́ eon (Murray Hill), Victor Vianu (San Diego), and Philip Wadler (Basking Ridge).