The Apocalypse Stone

By Pete Earley

The Apocalypse Stone
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"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
These words have rarely if ever crossed the mind of Aberlene county judge Evan Spencer. From a middle class background, he graduated law school, married into wealth, and now has his eye on a Supreme Court seat. All seemed to be going well for Judge Spencer, until he received a package from an old college friend he hadn't heard from in years containing a cryptic note and a small stone. But in trying to track down his old friend, Spencer learns of the man's suicidal leap from the roof off a 20-story balcony.
Evan Spencer now has control of an object whose power is beyond anything he could possibly imagine--an object whose very existence has been kept under wraps by the Vatican for decades. Spencer has been given the Apocalypse Stone: the actual stone Christ used when he stated "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." Throughout history this stone has been passed along, inflicting its possessor with stigmatic wounds and vivid visions of their sinful life.
Enlisting the help of Reverend Angelo Grasso, a seventy-two year-old expert on the history of stigmatic cases, Spencer must uncover the secrets behind this strange stone, or watch his family, career, and possibly his life be destroyed.

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