For most people, surfing is associated with Hawaii, California, and Australia – with sun, sand, and scantily-clad bodies. However, after the Second World War, surfing also found a more unlikely home: the north coast of Scotland. In the 1960s and 1970s, the first people to surf the Pentland Firth’s world-class waves braved brutal weather conditions, poor (or no) wetsuits, and baffled locals. Equally as unlikely as surfing’s presence on the north coast was its first permanent community, founded amongst workers at a nuclear research facility with a notoriously poor safety record.
This book discusses the existence and evolution of surfing in the region, from the 1960s to the present day. It does not, however, focus just on surfing: it also acts as a history of the region itself, and examines the possibilities and limits of surfing, sport, and activities like them being used as a means of reinventing communities. This book is therefore a valuable tool for historians, sport practitioners, and economic policymakers alike: what can surfing tell us about the modern Highlands and Islands, and indeed contemporary Scotland?