If a bomb kills everyone on its path, who should we blame? Should it be the person who exploded it or the one who invented it in the first place for the sake of science? Who can say that science always has advanced humanity? If a bomb killed all adults on earth and left innocent children and animals behind alive, would it still be considered an unfortunate event?
Merrymaker- 15 was its name. It was invented as a bomb to be exploded experimentally in Congo Basin. At first, people watched it explode and display some nice fireworks in the sky. Who would know it was going to kill everyone over 15 years old? Who would know the children in the whole wide world would wake up one day, and their parents wouldn’t answer their calls? It is time for children to hold power in their tiny hands. It is time for them to take over the world covered with evil by the previous generations. If you have ever wondered what a place the world would be if the children ruled the world, you will find the answers in this book. It is because, in this story, children are the only people who are left alive. This is the story of a guilty world handed over to innocent children, from Dystopia to Utopia.