Institutional Banking for Emerging Markets

By Wei-Xin Huang

Institutional Banking for Emerging Markets
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In today's competitive banking industry, institutional banking isattracting greater interest. Under the globalization umbrella,inter-bank business is undergoing dynamic change and istranscending the boundaries of traditional correspondent banking.In today's climate, no bank, regardless of size, can grow withoutthe cooperation of other banks and no bank can hope to survive andprosper without utilizing emerging markets. Institutional bankingin emerging countries has some unique functions: for example,problem solving is heavier and more crucial in emerging marketsthan in developed countries, given the irregularity of the marketand non-transparency of the financial/legal systems. Moreover, itis particularly necessary to forge good relationships, day-to-daycontact and personal communication, to provide better chances forproduct marketing and risk management. Products are thereforetailor-made and adapted as the situation dictates, a successfullesson for one case in one country cannot necessarily be repeatedin another.

Huang provides a systematic framework for the subject combiningboth principles and practice. The direct experience of the author,allows him to write authoritatively about the subject with academicvigour as well as a large amount of practical knowledge which onlya practitioner can provide.

The book contains numerous real life examples and case studiesto allow the reader an insight into how Institutional Bankingactually works in the real world. The book also contains asupplementary CD which includes chapter summary's and furtherinformation.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file.

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