Number Operations, Grade 4

By Jennifer Lawson

Number Operations, Grade 4
Preview available

The lessons in this module focus on addition and subtraction of 3 and 4-digit numbers to 10 000, multiplication of 2- or 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, and division with 1-digit divisors and 2-digit dividends. Emphasis is also placed on describing and applying mental math strategies for multiplication to 9 x 9. As well, students are introduced to addition and subtraction of decimals.

Also included:

  • materials lists
  • activity descriptions
  • questioning techniques
  • problem-solving examples
  • activity centre and extension ideas
  • assessment suggestions
  • activity sheets and visuals

All modules include a list of children's books and websites related to the mathematics topics introduced, a detailed introduction to the Hands-On Mathematics program (guiding principles, implementation guidelines, an overview of the skills that students use and develop during mathematics inquiry), and a classroom assessment plan and record-keeping templates.

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