What a Friend

By Betty H. Marshall

What a Friend
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The young woman watched me like a cat watches a rat he is going to catch for his dinner. As I walked up the stairs to let myself in the building she jumped in front of me. She pressed her face close to my ear. I could feel and smell her hot stinking breath as she whispered menacingly into my ear, "Open this goddamned door quick bitch. You better not scream or I will run this knife right through your side." I fumbled in my purse for my key. I tried to keep as still as possible because I could feel the knife pricking my skin every time I moved. I finally found the key and my hand was trembling so badly that I could barely turn the lock. "You better hurry up bitch if you don't want to die." Once I got the door opened the woman pushed me to the floor. She went straight to the cabinets and rambled through the vaccine bottles and other medicines that had been set aside for the research project. "You better not try anything." she yelled, while she rambled through the cabinets, She cursed and threw bottles on the floor as she pillaged through every cabinet in the office. She finally found what she was looking for. She headed towards the door, turned back, came to where I was lying on the floor, leaned close to me and yelled in my face, "You better not call the sheriff bitch, or I will come back, find you, and kill your fuckin ass."

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