This book is a comprehensive review of the political career of Benjamin Disraeli, providing a thorough critical analysis of one of the most ambitious and controversial leaders in British history. ‘Disraeli and the Art of Victorian Politics’ explores the political journey of a man propelled by a tremendous and sometimes all consuming self-belief.
This study discusses Disraeli’s driving ideology and the extent to which he was able to stay true to these ideals in the face of fierce opposition during his six-year Premiership. The author uniquely recreates the atmosphere of lively debate by introducing competing arguments to punctuate each chapter, a novel and effective way in which to understand the political and social context for both the student and general reader alike.
Disraeli retains a powerful presence in contemporary political discourse – whether in terms of current debates concerning the unsure direction and leadership within the Conservative Party or in more general areas of social and political life such as the role and nature of imperialism, the declining presence of the monarchy and the meaning of Judaism in British life. This updated edition will be a major addition to our understanding of the dynamics of nineteenth-century politics.