Renewal Journal 4: Healing

By David Lithgow, Jim Holbeck, John Blacker, Colin Warren, John Warlow, Spencer Colliver, Sue Armstrong, Trevor Faggotter, Geoff Waugh, Donald McGavran

Renewal Journal 4: Healing
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Renewal Journal 4: Healing contains articles about wholeness, deliverance, freedom and healing by leaders in renewal and revival:Missionary Translator & Doctor, by Dr David Lithgow,My Learning Curve on Healing, by Canon Jim Holbeck,Spiritual Healing by Rev John Blacker,Deliverance and Freedom by Dr Colin Warren,Christian Wholeness Counselling, by Dr John Warlow,A Healing Community, by Spencer Colliver,Divine Heaaling and Church Growth, by Donald McGavranSounds of Revival, by Sue Armstgrong,Revival Fire at Wuddina, by Trevor Faggotter

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