Katie's Memoir

By Katie M. Wallace-Davis

Katie's Memoir
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Who are you? Where are you from? These can be loaded questions-especially depending on who is asking them-and the answers are not always simple. This book tells the journey of one woman's search for the answers to these questions, and the amazing history she uncovered along the way. Katie's Memoirs: It Ain't All About Me by Katie Wallace-Davis is a firsthand, multi-generational account of the great migration journey of the author's family from the Jim Crow South to the segregated North. Part memoir, part family stories, each chapter focuses on a particular person or event and spans some six generations of her family and over 100 years, from the time of her enslaved great-grandparents through to current twenty-first century relatives. Inspired by the author's journey to answer the questions, "Who am I?" "Where am I from?" and "Why am I who I am?" Katie has done extensive research in creating this work, including information from historical records as well as her grandmother's recollection. Hers is a story about America, one that identifies, embraces, and uplifts members of society who are often excluded, rather than included, and is an inspiring look at the ups and downs and joys and pains of a family, showing the overarching strength that wove it together through the years. Katie is from the south and moved north where she Iived, learned and loved. Katie was inspired to write after exploring the effects of racism on her family.

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