Ancient History 500 PYQs For SSC CGL, CPO, MTS and Other SSC Exams Preparation. Ancient history Previous Year’s MCQs with detailed solution in english language.
Topic Covered:
1. Prehistoric Period
2. Indus Valley Civilisation
3. Vedic Culture
4. Emergence of Mahajanapadas
5. Rise of Magadha
6. Jainism/Buddhism/Vaishnavism/ Shaivism
7. Mauryan Empire
8. Post-Mauryan Empire
9. Foreign Invasions
10. The Gupta Empire
11. Post-Gupta Empire
12. Dynasties of South India
13. Borderline Dynasties (Pal/Sen/Kashmir)
14. Rajput Period
15. Ancient Indian Art and Literature
Best wishes!!