This eighth volume includes five treatises meant to promote a good conscience before God.
A Discourse of Conscience establishes a framework for understanding the importance of conscience and how it functions.
The Whole Treatise of the Cases of Conscience is an extensive treatment of casuistry that treats man in his three principle conditions (by himself, in relation to God, and in relation to others).
A Treatise Tending unto a Declaration whether a Man Is in the Estate of Damnation or in the Estate of Grace distinguishes between true and false professors, demonstrates how Roman Catholicism falls short of assurance, and highlights the devil’s attempts to sully the consciences of God’s people.
A Case of Conscience gives full attention to the importance of personal assurance of salvation.
A Grain of Mustard Seed provides consolation to weak Christians by encouraging them to recognize and grow in gratitude for the grace they have.
There is much in the present volume to commend to the reader, but what clearly stands out is Perkins’s skill as a spiritual adviser.