Want a study Bible that's both powerful and beautiful? Check out The KJV Study Bible
in a Fashionable New Cover! Barbour's large-print
KJV Study Bible is now available in a fashionable new edition with a flexible, leather-like cover. Featuring nearly 6,500 notes drawn from the Layman's Bible Commentary series, this resource gives you greater understanding of the King James Version--now in its fifth century but still among the most beloved and trusted translations available.
It also features:
- introductions for each Bible book
- a dictionary/concordance of key names and terms
- the words of Christ in red
- a full-color map section
- thumb indexing
The KJV Study Bible is an excellent resource for personal study, Sunday school, and small group preparation. . .whether you're a fan of the King James Version or you've been reading more modern Bible translations.