This second edition of Innovation and Change in the Human Services considerably updates and expands the previous volume. An overview of the development of human services over the course of the twentieth century culminates in an evolutionary model which illustrates how human services generally progress from an initial “individual-problem” stage to one of considerable governmental involvement and media attention. Eight specific human services are discussed in detail: hospices for those with life-limiting illness; continuing care retirement communities; services for those with HIV/AIDS; domestic assault services; day care for children; services for the homeless; lifelong occupational counseling; and services for Alzheimer’s patients. A full chapter is devoted to some of the major events of the last decade of the twentieth century: the Clinton Health Care Plan; the Welfare Reforms of 1996; and the Oregon Death with Dignity Act. The chapter on human services education compares degree programs in human services and social work, and suggests a functional approach which would allow the human services worker to move easily from one setting to another, due to having mastered a common core curriculum with “universal” applicability. The last chapter deals with human services issues of considerable importance at the start of the twenty-first century, including: the corporatization of human services; the privatization of human services; Social Security reform; and healthcare reform. This material is expected to be of use not only to educators and students in the human services, but also to policy analysts and health services administrators/practitioners who face everyday the challenge of refining/adapting the programs they administer, study and support