Read with great interest this excellent critique of Willard J. Erickson’s work on “effectual calling, conversion and regeneration”, from his famous work “Christian Theology”. Dr. Graham Whelan has carefully analysed Dr. Erickson’s logical order or sequence concerning God’s election and of redeeming His people. Dr. Whelan turns to the Scriptures to establish God’s purpose of election and salvation. The plan of God is the redemption of the elect. Careful and detailed scriptural analysis in John 1:1-18, where it is evident that regeneration comes before conversion and in Romans 3:10-12, where there is no awareness or growth until after regeneration, are only possible after being born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Since everything is God’s initiative, we learn that Jesus causes the change. The astute observations by Dr. Whelan, based on careful scriptural analysis, challenges Dr. Erickson’s “logical order” by putting regeneration before conversion. His sound reasoning has strong academic merit, based on the Scriptures, and deserves serious consideration by all who cherish and attempt to understand the Word of God.
To have a former student with such depth of perception, and ability to carefully analyse what his interests have set before him resulting in a revision of the Doctrine of Effectual Calling and Grace, is truly a heavenly blessing to his mentor and teacher and a wonderfully satisfying experience.
Harvey C. Pittman Ph.D.
Academic Dean
International Seminary