Black Cat Weekly #104

By John M. Floyd , Wayne J. Gardiner , Larry Tritten, Lin Carter , Hal Charles , Frank Kane, Dick Donovan , Bryce Walton, Frank Belknap Long, Manly Wade Wellman

Black Cat Weekly #104
Available for 2.99 USD

Here’s the complete lineup for our 104th issue—technically, the 2nd anniversary issue, but since we had our big celebration with our 100th issue (whose number seems a more significant milestone), we simply note this new landmark. As always, we have a terrific lineup of original, modern, and classic fiction in multiple genres. Every reader is sure to find something to enjoy, no matter your tastes!

Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure:

“Cargo,” by John M. Floyd [Michael Bracken Presents short story]

“The Case of the Polluted Punch” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery]

“Carry-on” by Wayne J. Gardiner [Barb Goffman Presents short story]

“Dead Blood Runs Purple,” by Frank Kane [novelet]

The Adventures of Tyler Tatlock, by Dick Donovan [short story collection]

Science Fiction & Fantasy:

“The Fine Art of Dreaming,” by Larry Tritten [short story]

“Masters of the Metropolis,” by Lin Carter [short story]

“Awakening,” by Bryce Walton [short story]

“Fuzzy Head,” by Frank Belknap Long [novella]

“Warrior of Two Worlds,” by Manly Wade Wellman [novella]

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