Learn to use Unix, OS X, or Linux quickly and easily!
In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, Sams Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours helps you get up and running with Unix and Unix-based operating systems such as Mac OS X and Linux.
Designed for beginners with no previous experience using Unix, this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach makes it easy to learn.
Each lesson clearly explains essential Unix tools and techniques from the ground up, helping you to become productive as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Learn how to...
HOUR 1: What Is This Unix Stuff?
HOUR 2: Getting onto the System and Using the Command Line
HOUR 3: Moving About the File System
HOUR 4: Listing Files and Managing Disk Usage
HOUR 5: Ownership and Permissions
HOUR 6: Creating, Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Files and Directories
HOUR 7: Looking into Files
HOUR 8: Filters, Pipes, and Wildcards!
HOUR 9: Slicing and Dicing Command-Pipe Data
HOUR 10: An Introduction to the vi Editor
HOUR 11: Advanced vi Tricks, Tools, and Techniquess
HOUR 12: An Overview of the emacs Editor
HOUR 13: Introduction to Command Shells
HOUR 14: Advanced Shell Interaction
HOUR 15: Job Control
HOUR 16: Shell Programming Overview
HOUR 17: Advanced Shell Programming
HOUR 18: Printing in the Unix Environment
HOUR 19: Archives and Backups
HOUR 20: Using Email to Communicate
HOUR 21: Connecting to Remote Systems Using SSH and SFTP
HOUR 22: Searching for Information and Files
HOUR 23: Perl Programming in Unix
HOUR 24: GNOME and the GUI Environment
Appendix A: Common Unix Questions and Answers