The Christian's Friend and Instructor

By G. V. WIGRAM, E. L. Bevir, John Nelson Darby, C. H. Mackintosh, C. E. Stuart, J. G. Bellett, J. B. Stoney, T. H. Reynolds

The Christian's Friend and Instructor
Available for 0.99 USD

 A Letter on Gospel Preaching

A Letter on the Relation of the Evangelist to the Assembly.

A Letter to a Bereaved Brother

A Song of the King

"All Things Work Together For Good"

An Educational Warning


"Charity Shall Cover the Multitude of Sins"

Communion in Object

Condition of Enjoyment

Counsels For the Young

Crucified with Christ

Deliverance From Law

Deliverance From Satan

Deliverance From Sin

Deliverance From the World

Divine Love

Eating the Book

Extracts From Letters

"Eyes as a Flame of Fire"

Faith and Discipleship

Faith's Victory

Fellowship: Its Bond and Power

God's Delight

God's Estimate of His People

Hearing the Word

"I Will Come Again"


"In Me, Peace"

Is the New Jerusalem the Church or Israel?

"Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, and Today, and For Ever"

Light of a Stone Most Precious

Man in His New State




Now - Then

Parental Responsibility

Paul and the Seven Roman Officials

Prayer and Fasting The Secret of Power


Prominent Prepositions

Resting in His Love

Revelation, Sympathy, and Association

Scripture Notes

Spiritual Knowledge

Sweet Memories

The Baptism of Jesus

The Canaanitish Woman

The Christian Race

The Father's World

The Freshness of Faith

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Last Words of Jacob

"The Other Side"

The Pathway to Liberty

The Perfect Master and the Pattern Disciple

The Resurrection and the Life

The Rich Young Man

The Spirit of Service

The Subduing Power of the Holy Ghost

The Work of God and of Satan within the Heart

Things Behind and Things Before

"Thou Shalt Remember"

Two Old Letters

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