One last chance for justice.
Charlie Porter, the head of Hong Kong’s anti-triad unit, has been murdered. He was DCI Harry Feiffer’s lifelong friend. But Hong Kong is returning to Chinese rule. The chains of command have been broken. Yellowthread police station stands empty. With no authority, nobody to help, and just days to go until he returns his badge, has time finally run out for Hong Kong’s finest detective?
PCs Spencer and Auden have been summoned to Tiger Dragon Square by the mysterious Duke of Extended Holiness. Black-robed warriors, cannon fire and the cursed dungeons of the Geomancer’s castle await them.
Meanwhile Detective Christopher O’Yee has nothing left to do but pay off his informants. Not the best day for a visit by Colonel Claude Kong of the Chinese People’s Police.
The final book in William Marshall's series is one of his most reflective, bringing together his thoughts on China, the inevitability of change, and the slippery nature of justice in a moving and fitting conclusion to the inimitable series.
Praise for the Yellowthread Street series:“Marshall has the rare gift of juggling scary suspense and wild humor and making them both work.” Washington Post Book World
“Marshall’s style – blending the hilarious, the surreal, and the poignant – remains inimitable and not easily resisted.” San Francisco Chronicle
“Marshall has few peers as an author who melds the wildest comedy and tragedy in narratives of nonstop action.” Publishers Weekly
“Marshall is building a growing, iconoclastic body of work that mixes weird fantasy [and] wayward characterization . . . to produce a subtle, charged, atmospheric, lush fiction hybrid sure to satisfy those with a taste for mysteries on the far edges.” Philadelphia Inquirer
“Despite the wild humor, Marshall’s stories contain excellent police procedure, real suspense, and fine irony . . . incessantly scary.” Chicago Tribune
“Among the best police procedural series on the market.” Detroit Free Press
“As an inspired poet of the bizarre, [Marshall] orchestrates underlying insanity into an apocalyptic vision of the future.” New York Times Book Review
“Marshall’s novels feature seemingly supernatural events that turn out to have logical, if not precisely rational, origins. He has savage fun with police procedure.” TIME
“Nobody rivals Marshall’s ability to expose the links between comic hysteria and the most mundane human foibles, from greed to cowardice to simple funk.” Kirkus Reviews
“Moves at the speed of a bullet; don’t read it aloud or you’ll run out of breath.” Chicago Sun-Times