Developments in Language Theory

By Masami Ito

Developments in Language Theory
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DLT 2002 was the 6th Conference on Developments in Language Theory. The topics dealt with at the conference were: grammars and acceptors for strings, graphs, arrays, etc. ; e?cient algorithms for languages; combinatorial and al- braic properties of languages; decision problems; and relations to complexity theory, logic, picture description and analysis, DNA computing, cryptography, concurrency, quantum computing and algebraic systems. DLT2002washeldatKyotoSangyoUniversityfromSeptember18toSept- ber 21, 2002. It was the ?rst DLT conference held in Asia. The organizing c- mittee consisted of Teruo Imaoka (Matsue), B ́ alazs Imreh (Szeged), Masami Ito (Kyoto, Co-chair), Yuji Kobayashi (Funabashi), Yoshiyuki Kunimochi (Fukuroi) andMasafumiToyama(Kyoto,Co-chair). TheProgramCommitteeinvitedProf. Grzegorz Rozenberg as a special guest and the conference was dedicated to his 60th birthday. Previous DLTs were held in Turku (1993), Magdeburg (1995), Thessalon ́ ?ki (1997), Aachen (1999) and Vienna (2001). These will be followed by the next DLT in Szeged (2003). The Program Committee consisted of Jorge Almeida (Porto), Jean Berstel (Marne-la-Val ́ ee), Christian Calude (Auckland), Zolt ́ an Ful ̈ ̈ op (Szeged), Julaj Hromkovic (Aachen), Masami Ito (Kyoto, Chair), Juhani Karhum ̈ aki (Turku), Werner Kuich (Vienna), Alexandru Mateescu (Bucharest), Kenichi Morita (- roshima), Gheorghe P? aun (Bucharest), Antonio Restivo (Palermo), Kai Sa- maa (Kingston, Canada), Takashi Yokomori (Tokyo) and Sheng Yu (London, Canada). The program committee selected 28 papers from 63 submitted - pers. The papers came from the following countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, China,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Hungary,India,Italy,Japan,Czech Republic, The Netherlands, The Philippines, The Ukraine, USA, Romania, R- sia, Spain, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia.