Own Your Revenge.
Full-Color Calendar: Relive the excitement of Mafia III for a full year with a 28-page, 8" x 10 7/8" calendar.
Case Files Bonus Section: Dive deeper into the story with our case files bonus section. Examine FBI documents, surveillance photos, newspaper clippings, deciphered postcard messages, and more to discover all there is to know about New Bordeaux.
Full Story Walk Through: Complete every mission and reach the top of the city's underworld with our full story walk through.
Detailed Maps: Confidently navigate New Bordeaux with our detailed maps, showing mission objectives, collectibles, and other important locations.
Rule the City: Learn everything you need to know about navigating the open world, wiretapping, combat, weapons, vehicles, underbosses, and more.
Find Every Collectible: The collectibles chapter reveals the location of every Junction Box, Playboy magazine, Vargas painting, album cover, and more.
FREE eGuide: Includes an interactive city map with collectible locations revealed.