For first-year composition and undergraduate courses across the curriculum.
Cross-curricular outlook, straightforward presentation, essential coverage.The Little, Brown Essential Handbook is brief, accessible, and pocket-sized--answering questions about the writing process, grammar and usage, researching writing, documentation, and writing in different disciplines. Through clear explanations and examples, minimal terminology, and specific tips for ESL writers, the text helps students at all levels of learning. Extensive sections on academic writing, research writing, source documentation, and document design support writers in all disciplines. The 9th Edition provides a better educational experience for instructors and students, with annotated examples of student writing and complete discussions of four major documentation styles, including MLA, APA, CMS, and CSE.
Now available! Free copy of the Pearson Guide to the 2021 MLA HandbookDownload your free copy, for use with this title. Contents include: