This collection of sixteen short educational dramas exemplify the decadent lifestyles, especially among Nigerian youths as opposed to the family and national values that are portrayedin the pledge to the nation.
All the stories are based on some of the most intriguing cases that are studied at differenttimes and locations in Nigeria.
While some dramas hold westernization through means of information and entertainments accountable for the near extinction of the major part of Nigerian values, others establish the fact that parents who spare their children from rigours of normal life often create out of them menaces that would pose serious threats to lives and properties in future. This parental factor also exposes young minds to life of luxuries instead of preparing them to face the huddles ahead of them.
The various issues that boil on the sources of social vices and crimes in Nigeria are so vividly presented in all the dramas that they can be imagined like motion pictures.