Game Laws for ...

By Arthur Charles Dillman, Bess Viemont Morrison, C. G. Potts, F. E. Staebner, G. F. Gravatt, James Herbert Beattie, James Johnson, James Silver, Joe Grigsby Lill, John Holmes Martin, Manley Alexander Raymond Kelley, Ross Calvin Thompson, Samuel Benton Nuckols, Samuel Fortier, Thomas Ray Stanton, Thompson Elwyn Woodward, V. L. Wildermuth, Victor Nelson Valgren, Waldo Lee McAtee, Wilbur Reed Mattoon, William Randolph Walton, William Stuart, Amer Benjamin Nystrom, Clyde Monroe Packard, Elmer A. Starch, Emil George Boerner, Franklin Arthur Coffman, Harry Edward Roethe, Lake S. Gill, Raymond Secord Washburn, Winney Elmer Crouch, Morris Cotgrave Betts

Game Laws for ...
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"The open fire has its place as a method of heating single rooms or small houses or as an adjunct to other heating systems. Even when not actually needed, it adds much to the enjoyment of home life, if the fireplace is properly built. Comparatively few understand the principles involved in the construction of chimneys and fireplaces, and even experienced builders make mistakes which not only affect the efficiency of the heating unit but frequently create a menace to life and property. This bulletin is designed to give the householder and prospective builder, and especially the farmer or other rural resident who builds or superintends the building of his own home, a working knowledge of the principles to be observed in planning and building chimneys and fireplaces, which if the are observed will go a long way to promote the comfort of the home and insure the safety of the property."--Page ii.