Ukraine is perched at the beginning of a bloody civil war. Involuntary spy Seth Rogan finds himself back in Russia when his Russian secret agent girlfriend disappears while on an undercover assignment in Ukraine amidst the political upheaval and unrest. How does his former employer, the giant chemical company and GMO seed king Germinat, stand to benefit from the war and how involved is the company in her disappearance?
Discover what critics say:"GMO foods, international politics, and quests for power: steeped in the flavor of modern times, To Russia for Love is international thriller reading at its best." - Midwest Book Review
"Eade is brilliant when it comes to creating complicated, intriguing stories that end in mind-blowing surprises."- IPublisher News
"Eade's skill with writing dialog is brilliant. His technique for propelling a story forward is second to none." - Literary Aficionado
Discover what readers already know:"Kenneth Eade has written an excellent spy thriller. But To Russia With Love is more than just a well written story because Eade ventures bravely into the world of genetic seed modification without infringing on the story itself. And in doing so he is enlightening the reading public of the dangers of tampering with mother nature. I don't like books with a message but Eade subtly and skillfully weaves his message into the story without it being a detriment to it. If you are looking for a spy thriller roller coaster ride then I recommend this excellent book.Joe Corso
"To Russia for Love has an excellent plot from start to finish and I actually finished it in 1 sitting as I could not put it down."Michael Naylor
"What a great fast-paced thriller we have here, and It's good to see the resourceful Seth Rogan back, this time doing his stuff in order to bring his kidnapped girlfriend back from Russia. A well thought out plot, with good characterizations and dialogue. This author has certainly done his homework. Full marks from me, Kenneth."S. Gloidon
"This was a really fun spy story set in the current conflict in Ukraine during the upheaval. I really loved the sense of suspense in the story and the twists and turns of the conflict were brilliantly depicted. The characters have all been well developed and I kept trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together as I read it. Very intriguing political thriller with great storytelling. Highly recommended."Liz A.
"This was a fast paced spy thriller in the Ian Flemming motif. It had action, danger, and intruige. Kenneth Eade can write."Kyle Robertson
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