This is not a ‘let’s hold hands together’ book for the red pill community.
This is not a MGTOW book asking you to stay away from women.
This is not a Pickup book teaching you to manipulate women.
This is a book of knowledge and action to get the sex you want from women.
This book is for both men and women to understand the interplay between sex, relationships, marriage and money in the 21st century.
This is a book born out of a curiosity to understand what are the tipping points under which a woman will have sex with a man consensually out of wedlock. Can there be a repeatable process to apply and get to sex with as less repercussions as possible? Can we take luck out of the equation?
The 21st century is turning out to be one of the most difficult times to have enjoyable, guilt free sex, with most inter-gender interactions turning out to be like trying to solve an unbalanced power equation. We live in a time where the outgoing attention span of a woman is diminishing greatly, while the incoming attention has increased exponentially.
In this book, you will learn about the three vertices of a Woman – Mind, Heart and Body. The path of least resistance to sex is to operate between the vertices of the mind and body without triggering the heart.
You will learn about the four necessary conditions for sex to occur –
Presence – You need to be present with her to have sex with her
Discretion – Who else will come to know if she has sex with you, and how does that impact her?
Attraction – Is she okay with your body being on hers?
Logistics – Are you both in a safe location where sex can occur?
The book is filled with my real-life experiences with women over a 15-year span. I use these experiences throughout the book in order to support a point I make. And because of such a large time span and sample size, it will cover women of different ages. Hence, it will help you no matter where you are in your sexual journey.
So get ready to turn the pages into my past and come out with a whole new understanding of the world of women and sex in particular.