This book is intended as a spiritual sword into the utter complacency of Christian orthodoxy! The message and practices found in this book are spiritually guaranteed to reveal your hidden potentials and change your life to the degree that you read and apply its progressive and practical approach. The true message of Jesus was obscured in orthodox Christian practices fulfilling the promise: and greater works than this shall ye do (John 14: 12)
The total message of Jesus was given during the latter portion of his life; it was simple and not of great length; it might fill a few pages or a chapter of a book. The message appeared fragmented but told of spiritual knowledge that one could attain through a system of self-government woven between parables or proverbs of human behavior with moral and spiritual percepts.
I found that Jesus had learned an approach that would help his fellowman.that was composed of five factors: (1) a spiritual understanding of the soul and the mind, (2) the relationship of spiritual consultations and meditation as means of gaining spiritual knowledge, (3) the power of prayer is a telepathic phenomenon:for healing, curses, and for extra-sensory perception! (4) the laying on of hands for healing ones self or others, (5) the ability of the body to heal itself from many ailments by fasting. Experimenting with the power of intention (as prayer) I also learned a progressive means of extra-sensory perception that went into contact with chemicals, people, plants and animals. Having a chiropractic background, I was in physical contact with people and learned that x-ray vision is also possible!
Ill tell you about each of the chapters in my book a little later. First, I want you to know why this approach is correct.
Jesus was a Gnostic!
The Greek word gnos means knowingness or knowledge in the fullest sense of the word; it was a special knowledge of spiritual things. Gnosticism was a mystical religious and philosophical doctrine of early Christian times. Gnostics claimed that spiritual knowledge, rather than faith, was essential to salvation.
Salvation in a Gnostic sense would mean a spiritual search for knowledge toward perfection, becoming a free spirit and recognizing ones relationship to a spiritual universe (heaven) created by the Supreme Being.
Otherwise, an orthodox definition of salvation would mean a deliverance from sin, and from punishment for sin; redemption.
The Gnostic Christian seeks to discover the truth about God and spiritual matters through personal experience or revelation (as intuition, insight or cognition) by counseling (psyche-guidance) and meditation. It is the opposite to being told what to believe.
Jesus was a true Gnostic when he said:
My doctrine is not mine, but his who sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. (John 7: 16, 17)
This teaching implies that anybody, anywhere at any time could know the truth through his own recognition of what he was teaching his disciples. Jesus did not have to be on another planet to preach, to be crucified on the cross, etc. in order for his message to be known!
Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5: 48)
Jesus also said: If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8: 32)
Paul, the apostle of Jesus referred to this (Gnostic) concept:
Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may find what is the good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans: 12: 2) Learn to challenge! It was a warning against mind control through hypnotic means or agreement without understandng! The "renewing of your mind" is done through private meditation, not through someones interpretation