This book is packed with informative information on how to naturally prevent, treat and overcome hundreds of common conditions that affect our society on a daily basis. Stacey Chillemi and Dr. Michael Chillemi the authors enlighten the readers by giving a clear understanding on how to get started. The author’s purpose is to teach how alternative medicine, herbals, foods, fruits, and vitamins do not just to keep us alive, but they are used as a medicine too.
Natural Remedies for Common Conditions provides you with the stepping-stones and techniques to prevent, treat, and overcome conditions the natural way. The authors provide the reader with extraordinary tools and techniques that help you obtain and reach optimum health. This is an excellent book to help prevent, treat and overcome conditions. It is packed with phenomenal advice. Natural Remedies for Common Conditions is the perfect guide to help anyone who has a quest to stay healthy and maintain optimum health.